Saturday, May 26, 2007
Diary published weekly since 2001
Hope our USA friends enjoy a great Memorial Day weekend – so sorry I screwed up last week. I really thought the two holiday weekends coincided. Well now I get to enjoy two holiday weekends because I frequently work with USA companies that are closed so I am enjoying a second holiday weekend. Have a great time but take time to remember troops abroad. Cool
Just like our weekend last week – your climate seems to be very irregular. Can the weatherman ever get the climate to be agreeable, so we RVers who love to be outdoors can do so in comfortable temps? Cool
Although it is Saturday and another Diary Day we have been out socializing this morning. My sister Diane and hubby Don drove from Trenton (3-4 hours east) to London for their grandson Jacob’s 13th B’Day. So Don, Di, Jacob and his mom Sandi joined us at the Family Circle for breakfast this morning. Our visit was short but it was so good to see these guys. We do not expect to go east this year so it was so good to see Di and Don came our direction even for a short stop – plus to be able to celebrate Jacobs B’Day. We love our breakfasts so this made for a great start to our weekend. Happy B’Day Jacob! Cool
Last MONDAY was still a holiday and although the stores were closed local many activities helped everyone forget it was cold. This park plus nearby London and many other communities held impressive firework displays (some were on Sunday night). I took advantage of the quiet day to do more editing on my RV Travel to Canada ebook. It is now done – see more info below. Cool
I mentioned a few weeks ago we had some impressive detailing done on the upper sides of our coach. It looked dazzling in the sunshine but a few days later while we were at our RV dealer for maintenance, under the florescent lights the passenger side had a few areas that although they were shiny, they were less than perfect. Bob Cook’s Auto Detailing fully guarantees his work so last TUESDAY we returned to the shop and Bob redid the area under the awning. Thanks Bob – now the coach looks great in the sunlight as well as in an enclosed area. Cool
WEDNESDAY we joined good friends Trudy and Rod for lunch at Dean Michael's Griddlehouse in Woodstock – this comfortable unique restaurant is at a halfway point between their park in Kitchener-Waterloo and ours in London. It even includes a gift shop that features creative crafts or jewellry and one-of-a-kind unique additions for your home. Wonderful to see you guys. Next stop for us was to pick up mail another ½ hour down the road. One good thing about living in southwestern Ontario is most businesses we deal with are all located within an hour from our summer home. Cool
On THURSDAY we were off to our storage 2.5 hours away – our ‘stuff’ has been in the same facility for the past 20 years. It was also time to offload some of our on board ‘junk’ and to recover our toaster oven that we dropped off two years ago. Our wants and wishes change from time to time. Cool
I enjoy riding my bike (we only replaced ours about a year ago after a long drought of not having any) but when the tires needed pumping up it was always a chore to find a ready supply of air. Yes there are portable pumps available but they need a lot of effort, plus we had a perfectly good ¾ HSP compressor in storage collecting dust. It was a beautiful day for a drive so we took the longer leisurely route up through magnificent scenery and a more direct route home. It was good to visit with manager Mike (from Stow-A-Way Storage) and make sure everything was in good shape.Gas isn't high in Ont right now Cool
One day soon we really must spend time at storage to off load the collected junk and reassess the value of some of the contents. It has been about 5 years since we last went through everything. Originally in the mid 80’s we put furniture and things (many wedding presents) in storage for 2 years At the 9-year mark we sold our valuable furniture at an auction for pennies My advice is to sell the good stuff or loan it to family and friends – so you can visit ‘it’ occasionally. Cool
At any rate, if and when we do settle down I will have to learn how to become proficient selling things on E-Bay. If we have not used something for 22 years I somehow do not think all these expensive extras are really important to our world any longer. Cool
FRIDAY I glued myself to my computer. As a result I am happy to report that my updated version of this ebook will be available for sale on my website by Monday or Tuesday at the latest. The content has not changed much but there are a vast number of updated website addresses and phone numbers. Attention to anyone who has bought the 2006 version since last fall. Because this is a reference guidebook, IF YOU CAN SEND ME PROOF OF PURCHASE – either an email from me or a receipt from bookseller from October on – I will be happy to send you an updated copy - just let me know. This offer will only run till 15 June 2007. Cool
It is SATURDAY again and one more time I do not know where the week went. Thankfully next week should be a bit more relaxed. Now I can begin to put together my 'Canada Hotspot Power Point' seminar for the RV School in Kelowna BC. During this weeks research I rediscovered a website that over flows with mega info about Canada. It has an excess of 400 NON-COMMERCIAL pages covering everything from Canadian Anthems to Trivia, to Icons to Government Stats to so very, very much more. Check it out at No matter what country you call home you will be shocked at what you will find. Cool
Writing the ‘RVING CANADA BLOG’ for I am discovering even more wonders of this vast and fantastic country we Canadians call home.
This week on the Blog I discussed ...
***changes in prices at phone booths – as of 1 June rates go up to 50 cents per local call ($1.00 if Cr Cd is used)
***plus general info reference the Ferry to Newfoundland (excerpts of above e-book)
***along with a detailed report of destinations at Grand Codroy and Signal Hill – both convenient stopping spots at each end of the Ferry ride in this one-of-a-kind incredible province.
***If you compare the cost of the Ferry to a tank full of gas/fuel to drive the same timeframe, the Ferry ride price is reasonable.
***On Friday I also posted a story about Canada’s DART (Disaster Assistance Response Team).
Take a look – Must go for today. Enjoy the season and stay away from those orange barrels and road gaiters. P&J Cool Cool Cool
Don’t forget to check out Mark Polk’s new Blog from at It is loaded with numerous short tips to simplify Life on the Move. Mark also added two new titles – ‘RV Care & Maintenance’ and ‘RV Upgrades’ to his DVD/Video collections bringing the total to 11 RV Instructional DVD’s. See his complex listings at
We have had a number of requests about our new acquisition of COAST TO COAST (C2C) AND RESORTS PARK INTERNATIONAL (RPI) PLUS (the ‘Plus’ includes a complimentary membership to RPI’s 50% Discount Camping Club called ‘Enjoy America’). These are two of the most popular membership park systems that offer deep overnight discounts – there are others! RVers buy into a membership park for a purchase price from a few hundred to many thousands of dollars – plus annual dues. Packages range from a ‘3-lifetime’ plans - usage can be passed onto the kids, or a ‘one’ lifetime for your use only. To use C2C and RPI you also pay a small annual fee to each club. BUT members only pay $8.00 p/n ($10.00 Cdn) – stay up to a week, twice p/yr at each resort.
John and I bought into Shiloh RV Park, Monroe LA a year ago. Park price was low with first year dues at $69.00 – $99.00 in future years. However we can walk away from this plan at any time for a small fee. SEND ME AN EMAIL FOR MORE DETAILS.
CANADIAN MILITARY PENSION CLAWBACK AT AGE 65 is an ongoing quest. Read the latest letter in the fight on ‘Important Things We All Should Know’ forum. Please pass the info on to your Canadian Forces retired buddies. The more support we can muster the better chance we have to reverse this travesty.
MY INCREDABLE INTERNET SATELLITE DISH IS STILL #1. It is so wonderful to be on line 24/7 wherever we go. We no longer chase campgrounds offering WiFi or try to find a place to log onto dial-up locations or even to put in a landline. The ease of set-up, fantastic unrestricted tech support with no cut off time frame, reasonable monthly rates, and superior quality equipment are only a few of the numerous reasons why I simply LOVE my Satellite Dish Tech Mobile.
Even those who do not live in Canada – give my supplier a call. These Dishes can also be mounted as stationary on any house or structure etc wherever you live. FYI – ‘3iCommunications’ has changed its name to ‘Tech Mobile Communications and Wireless’ (under construction at this point). Call (705) 878-9252 or Toll Free: (866) 494-4801. However they still offer the same great service. Read the whole story at
One more RV Life Lesson. Those travelling without an Emergency Road Service policy – NEED TO GET ONE!!!!! The cost of one tow will generally be higher than the price of an annual policy. Each year we have one or two calls on either the car or the motorhome. RV Clubs sell these policies and maybe your Insurance Company does as well. Shop around because each policy offers different benefits.
Mainly you want.
1. Unlimited service calls; 2. Towing for unlimited distance – to a reputable facility;
3. Two tow-trucks if required (one for tow vehicle plus one for the towable). 4: Be sure either the member or the RV owner team are covered for service.
NOTE: None of us know when a mechanical problem will surface. A $1000.00 repair is not uncommon – nor is a major breakdown.
Remember your RV is both a house and a vehicle – so breakdowns do happen. If you set-up a $5000.00 EMERGENCY FUND there will be no need to stretch your day-to day travel money to pay for repairs. Our fund is a zero balance credit card that we can use to buy us time. We simply make minimal payments till we can rearrange funds.
This is the other half of the Emergency equation. At the time of purchase it is also wise to set-up regular deposits in a Contingency Fund. Yes, your new RV is under warranty but do not expect every item to be a no-cost repair. The length of time that each repair will be covered by the dealer/manufacturer will vary. If you travel for a few years trouble free, the FUND will have grown to make buying new tires or batteries or additional accessories much easier.
Hope our USA friends enjoy a great Memorial Day weekend – so sorry I screwed up last week. I really thought the two holiday weekends coincided. Well now I get to enjoy two holiday weekends because I frequently work with USA companies that are closed so I am enjoying a second holiday weekend. Have a great time but take time to remember troops abroad. Cool
Just like our weekend last week – your climate seems to be very irregular. Can the weatherman ever get the climate to be agreeable, so we RVers who love to be outdoors can do so in comfortable temps? Cool
Although it is Saturday and another Diary Day we have been out socializing this morning. My sister Diane and hubby Don drove from Trenton (3-4 hours east) to London for their grandson Jacob’s 13th B’Day. So Don, Di, Jacob and his mom Sandi joined us at the Family Circle for breakfast this morning. Our visit was short but it was so good to see these guys. We do not expect to go east this year so it was so good to see Di and Don came our direction even for a short stop – plus to be able to celebrate Jacobs B’Day. We love our breakfasts so this made for a great start to our weekend. Happy B’Day Jacob! Cool
Last MONDAY was still a holiday and although the stores were closed local many activities helped everyone forget it was cold. This park plus nearby London and many other communities held impressive firework displays (some were on Sunday night). I took advantage of the quiet day to do more editing on my RV Travel to Canada ebook. It is now done – see more info below. Cool
I mentioned a few weeks ago we had some impressive detailing done on the upper sides of our coach. It looked dazzling in the sunshine but a few days later while we were at our RV dealer for maintenance, under the florescent lights the passenger side had a few areas that although they were shiny, they were less than perfect. Bob Cook’s Auto Detailing fully guarantees his work so last TUESDAY we returned to the shop and Bob redid the area under the awning. Thanks Bob – now the coach looks great in the sunlight as well as in an enclosed area. Cool
WEDNESDAY we joined good friends Trudy and Rod for lunch at Dean Michael's Griddlehouse in Woodstock – this comfortable unique restaurant is at a halfway point between their park in Kitchener-Waterloo and ours in London. It even includes a gift shop that features creative crafts or jewellry and one-of-a-kind unique additions for your home. Wonderful to see you guys. Next stop for us was to pick up mail another ½ hour down the road. One good thing about living in southwestern Ontario is most businesses we deal with are all located within an hour from our summer home. Cool
On THURSDAY we were off to our storage 2.5 hours away – our ‘stuff’ has been in the same facility for the past 20 years. It was also time to offload some of our on board ‘junk’ and to recover our toaster oven that we dropped off two years ago. Our wants and wishes change from time to time. Cool
I enjoy riding my bike (we only replaced ours about a year ago after a long drought of not having any) but when the tires needed pumping up it was always a chore to find a ready supply of air. Yes there are portable pumps available but they need a lot of effort, plus we had a perfectly good ¾ HSP compressor in storage collecting dust. It was a beautiful day for a drive so we took the longer leisurely route up through magnificent scenery and a more direct route home. It was good to visit with manager Mike (from Stow-A-Way Storage) and make sure everything was in good shape.Gas isn't high in Ont right now Cool
One day soon we really must spend time at storage to off load the collected junk and reassess the value of some of the contents. It has been about 5 years since we last went through everything. Originally in the mid 80’s we put furniture and things (many wedding presents) in storage for 2 years At the 9-year mark we sold our valuable furniture at an auction for pennies My advice is to sell the good stuff or loan it to family and friends – so you can visit ‘it’ occasionally. Cool
At any rate, if and when we do settle down I will have to learn how to become proficient selling things on E-Bay. If we have not used something for 22 years I somehow do not think all these expensive extras are really important to our world any longer. Cool
FRIDAY I glued myself to my computer. As a result I am happy to report that my updated version of this ebook will be available for sale on my website by Monday or Tuesday at the latest. The content has not changed much but there are a vast number of updated website addresses and phone numbers. Attention to anyone who has bought the 2006 version since last fall. Because this is a reference guidebook, IF YOU CAN SEND ME PROOF OF PURCHASE – either an email from me or a receipt from bookseller from October on – I will be happy to send you an updated copy - just let me know. This offer will only run till 15 June 2007. Cool
It is SATURDAY again and one more time I do not know where the week went. Thankfully next week should be a bit more relaxed. Now I can begin to put together my 'Canada Hotspot Power Point' seminar for the RV School in Kelowna BC. During this weeks research I rediscovered a website that over flows with mega info about Canada. It has an excess of 400 NON-COMMERCIAL pages covering everything from Canadian Anthems to Trivia, to Icons to Government Stats to so very, very much more. Check it out at No matter what country you call home you will be shocked at what you will find. Cool
Writing the ‘RVING CANADA BLOG’ for I am discovering even more wonders of this vast and fantastic country we Canadians call home.
This week on the Blog I discussed ...
***changes in prices at phone booths – as of 1 June rates go up to 50 cents per local call ($1.00 if Cr Cd is used)
***plus general info reference the Ferry to Newfoundland (excerpts of above e-book)
***along with a detailed report of destinations at Grand Codroy and Signal Hill – both convenient stopping spots at each end of the Ferry ride in this one-of-a-kind incredible province.
***If you compare the cost of the Ferry to a tank full of gas/fuel to drive the same timeframe, the Ferry ride price is reasonable.
***On Friday I also posted a story about Canada’s DART (Disaster Assistance Response Team).
Take a look – Must go for today. Enjoy the season and stay away from those orange barrels and road gaiters. P&J Cool Cool Cool
Don’t forget to check out Mark Polk’s new Blog from at It is loaded with numerous short tips to simplify Life on the Move. Mark also added two new titles – ‘RV Care & Maintenance’ and ‘RV Upgrades’ to his DVD/Video collections bringing the total to 11 RV Instructional DVD’s. See his complex listings at
We have had a number of requests about our new acquisition of COAST TO COAST (C2C) AND RESORTS PARK INTERNATIONAL (RPI) PLUS (the ‘Plus’ includes a complimentary membership to RPI’s 50% Discount Camping Club called ‘Enjoy America’). These are two of the most popular membership park systems that offer deep overnight discounts – there are others! RVers buy into a membership park for a purchase price from a few hundred to many thousands of dollars – plus annual dues. Packages range from a ‘3-lifetime’ plans - usage can be passed onto the kids, or a ‘one’ lifetime for your use only. To use C2C and RPI you also pay a small annual fee to each club. BUT members only pay $8.00 p/n ($10.00 Cdn) – stay up to a week, twice p/yr at each resort.
John and I bought into Shiloh RV Park, Monroe LA a year ago. Park price was low with first year dues at $69.00 – $99.00 in future years. However we can walk away from this plan at any time for a small fee. SEND ME AN EMAIL FOR MORE DETAILS.
CANADIAN MILITARY PENSION CLAWBACK AT AGE 65 is an ongoing quest. Read the latest letter in the fight on ‘Important Things We All Should Know’ forum. Please pass the info on to your Canadian Forces retired buddies. The more support we can muster the better chance we have to reverse this travesty.
MY INCREDABLE INTERNET SATELLITE DISH IS STILL #1. It is so wonderful to be on line 24/7 wherever we go. We no longer chase campgrounds offering WiFi or try to find a place to log onto dial-up locations or even to put in a landline. The ease of set-up, fantastic unrestricted tech support with no cut off time frame, reasonable monthly rates, and superior quality equipment are only a few of the numerous reasons why I simply LOVE my Satellite Dish Tech Mobile.
Even those who do not live in Canada – give my supplier a call. These Dishes can also be mounted as stationary on any house or structure etc wherever you live. FYI – ‘3iCommunications’ has changed its name to ‘Tech Mobile Communications and Wireless’ (under construction at this point). Call (705) 878-9252 or Toll Free: (866) 494-4801. However they still offer the same great service. Read the whole story at
One more RV Life Lesson. Those travelling without an Emergency Road Service policy – NEED TO GET ONE!!!!! The cost of one tow will generally be higher than the price of an annual policy. Each year we have one or two calls on either the car or the motorhome. RV Clubs sell these policies and maybe your Insurance Company does as well. Shop around because each policy offers different benefits.
Mainly you want.
1. Unlimited service calls; 2. Towing for unlimited distance – to a reputable facility;
3. Two tow-trucks if required (one for tow vehicle plus one for the towable). 4: Be sure either the member or the RV owner team are covered for service.
NOTE: None of us know when a mechanical problem will surface. A $1000.00 repair is not uncommon – nor is a major breakdown.
Remember your RV is both a house and a vehicle – so breakdowns do happen. If you set-up a $5000.00 EMERGENCY FUND there will be no need to stretch your day-to day travel money to pay for repairs. Our fund is a zero balance credit card that we can use to buy us time. We simply make minimal payments till we can rearrange funds.
This is the other half of the Emergency equation. At the time of purchase it is also wise to set-up regular deposits in a Contingency Fund. Yes, your new RV is under warranty but do not expect every item to be a no-cost repair. The length of time that each repair will be covered by the dealer/manufacturer will vary. If you travel for a few years trouble free, the FUND will have grown to make buying new tires or batteries or additional accessories much easier.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Diary published weekly since 2001
Happy Holiday weekend everyone. Canada is enjoying our first long weekend, but we are not alone in our celebrations – our holiday coincides with Memorial Day in the USA. It is also the launch of the camping season for many of us who have the privilege to live in the northern areas of our two countries. Sometimes as retired snowbirds we forget that this is the weekend that helps to erase the winter blues. When the day broke this morning, the sun was shining forecasting a perfect start to the weekend. But as is typical on many days the clouds moved in about noon and the temperatures have dropped. However our park along with most others is full - laughter and happy voices can be heard everywhere. Laughing
What a great day we had yesterday. It began with lunch at Swiss Chalet with Dave, a long time dear friend from London and with Cris, the new love of his life, who lives in Quebec. This was a first visit to this wonderful city for Cris and we finally got to meet her. Welcome aboard Cris, hope you come back soon. John and I are so happy the two of you have joined up and we wish you all the best. Lunch was good too. Laughing
Following lunch I had a MAMMOGRAM APPOINTMENT. From start to finish this was the most positive breast exam I’ve ever experienced. As most of you know we changed to a London doctor last summer - previously I was examined at a very caring but extremely busy, non-fancy imagining centre in Mississauga. Staff at my doctor’s office gave me a list of imaging centres in London – leaving it up to me as to whom to call. From my first contact on the phone, my experience was top notch. I was impressed that the nurse I talked to was able to pull up my records on the Ontario Breast Screening website. She knew who I was and where/when my last x-rays were taken – and my records will arrive this week. In Ontario this testing is so valued that one website covers province wide. My appointment was a week later. Laughing
The entire experience improved more when we walked in the door. This clinic was the first one to open 17 years ago. The waiting room was classy, posh and impressive – much like a 5-star hotel. (Because the parking meters were broken, we also enjoyed free parking – the nurse call the parking lot to be sure we would not get a ticket). When my name was called, I was guided by one of several nurses to a change cubicle & waiting room. In that smaller lounge, everyone wearing a different style of pink gown comfortably waited for her breast exam. I must say I have never had such a thorough breast exam in my life as I had from that nurse – not from my doctor - nor from me. Laughing
After another brief rest, next stop was the imaging room for a very professional (even gentle) set of x-rays. What added to the day is we women shared wonderful warm conversations while waiting our ‘turn’ – seemed like a social club. From the entrance to the reception to the waiting room to the décor, to the entire group of caring staff, it was absolutely my best experience ever of this dreaded exam – this place made it enjoyable. In two weeks a follow-up letter will explain results. There are 120 of these screening centres around Ontario – just for info for those in the London area, my clinic was at 339 Talbot St 1 519 432 0255. I know Cdn medical is not perfect, but a breast exam is available to anyone in Ontario simply for the asking – without seeing a doctor first. Laughing
Most of the week I have been editing my RV TRAVEL TO CANADA E-BOOK so John willingly took care of the errands. Hope this e-book will be ‘live’ and posted on my site and to others too later this week. Laughing
At this point GOLDEN POND RV PARK is doing a great job of cutting and trimming our grass. In most Cdn parks, seasonals cut their own site, however frequently the park has a few lawn mowers available for use – this park doesn’t offer this service. John also prefers to cut the grass his way, on his time. Sooooo we are on the search for a small cheap used electric lawn mower. Anyone in the area know of one please let us know.
Our site finally looks very comfortable since we added grommets to the ground cover we bought in Florida and set up the patio to look like we live here. Laughing
Saturday is LANDS END FLEA MARKET DAY in London and we needed a few things besides a lawn mower, so if this Diary arrives late today that is the reason. Plus it was fun to spend a few hours in one of my favourite places. I love perusing the new and old ‘junk or treasures’ that these places attract. We didn’t buy much ‘stuff’ but we did restock the fresh fruits and veggies – even if we didn’t need all of what we bought. Everything looks so inviting that it is difficult to pass by. Of course we couldn’t leave without tonight’s dinner of ever so tasty cabbage rolls. Laughing
When I complained last week we lost our Exp vu, friends Wilma and Roy from Alberta told us they had a similar situation and an extra LNB from 3iCommunications, my Satellite Dish Supplier, could be added to the INTERNET SATTLEITE DISH. Of course we can always move the Dish out of the way of trees. Since we really do not want to change sites, we have also ordered an LNB. It should be here early this week– I’ll keep you posted as to how it is working. Both Exp Vu and Star Choice LNB’s can be added Laughing
Again I relay that Todd (sales manager and chief tech) and Armand (owner) bend over backwards to accommodate the tech wishes of their customers – no time limit is in force for tech support issues. Fantastic service for a low price from $69.00 per month – Dish is only $1495.00. Of course an automatic high-end roof mount Internet Dish is also available – for a bit higher cost. Now that I log onto Satellite G16, setup is a dream. 3i Communications have changed their name to ‘TECH MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS AND WIRELESS’ – full story at Laughing
As I look out the window, I see a dozen families beside us camped together in their pop-ups and trailers – it reassures us the sociable camping lifestyle is alive and well. In the tenting section there are numerous more groups having fun just by being together. Hope this will be a great beginning to the summer for you too. The name of the game is to simply “Have Fun!!!” Travel safe P&J Cool Cool Cool
Good Sam reported that KEYSTONE RV is recalling 150 model-year 2007 MONTANA fifth-wheel trailers. The tail-light sockets may not maintain contact with the bulb so …
I’m still adding regular entries to the RVING CANADA BLOG for Its fun to find neat interesting things to see in this great country we call home. Stop by.
RVEDUCATION 101has added even more depth to their comprehensive website of books, ebooks, and informative articles. In Mark’s new Blog he shares many short tips (with links to the full article on his RV University site). In the news this week there have been a half dozen RV Fires throughout USA /Canada – Mark’s latest Blog explains all about Fire prevention. Check it out.
Last week I mentioned we are new members of COAST TO COAST (C2C) AND RESORTS PARK INTERNATIONAL (RPI) PLUS (the ‘Plus’ includes a complimentary membership to RPI’s 50% Discount Camping Club called ‘Enjoy America’). These are two of the most popular membership park systems offering deep overnight discounts – there are others! RVers buy into a membership park for a purchase price from a few hundred to many thousands of dollars – plus annual dues. Your packages could range from a ‘3-lifetime’ with usage to pass onto the kids, or a ‘one’ lifetime for your use only. To use the C2C and RPI you also pay a small annual fee to each club. BUT members only pay $8.00 per night ($10.00 Cdn) – stay up to a week, twice per year at each resort.
John and I bought into Shiloh RV Park, Monroe LA a year ago. Park price was low with first year dues at $69.00 – $99.00 in future years. However we can walk away from this plan at any time for a small fee. Send me an email for more details.
Les Doll, Webhost of recently shared this tip in his periodic informative newsletter!
EXTRA SHELF SPACE (from Trailer Life). We have a wardrobe and drawer on each side of our bed – but no nightstand space. Cut a piece of ½” pine shelving several inches wider than the top of the open drawer – lay it across. When the shelf is not required as a nightstand, simply stow it against the wall or at the bottom of the closet. It also works in the kitchen; living room or wherever more counter space is needed. Paint as needed.
1. Add a REMOVABLE CLOTHES BAR to your shower. This extends closet space plus clothes are easily removed when it is shower time. We did this for 8-years.
2. To air-dry clothes inside the RV, place a TENSION-SPRING-BAR across a doorway.
3. We have a washer/dryer on board, daytime we hang in the bedroom and at bedtime we move hangers of T’s and shirts to the FRAMES OF FRONT CUPBOARDS.
4. OR place a triangle FOLDING CLOTHES DRYER in the shower to dry wet bathing suits. Move it to the patio on a sunny day to dry towels, etc. We attached a similar unit to the rear of our coach with bungees when we are stationary.
5. Manufacture a CLOTHES RACKS FOR BACK LADDERS using 1" PVC pipe.
Happy Holiday weekend everyone. Canada is enjoying our first long weekend, but we are not alone in our celebrations – our holiday coincides with Memorial Day in the USA. It is also the launch of the camping season for many of us who have the privilege to live in the northern areas of our two countries. Sometimes as retired snowbirds we forget that this is the weekend that helps to erase the winter blues. When the day broke this morning, the sun was shining forecasting a perfect start to the weekend. But as is typical on many days the clouds moved in about noon and the temperatures have dropped. However our park along with most others is full - laughter and happy voices can be heard everywhere. Laughing
What a great day we had yesterday. It began with lunch at Swiss Chalet with Dave, a long time dear friend from London and with Cris, the new love of his life, who lives in Quebec. This was a first visit to this wonderful city for Cris and we finally got to meet her. Welcome aboard Cris, hope you come back soon. John and I are so happy the two of you have joined up and we wish you all the best. Lunch was good too. Laughing
Following lunch I had a MAMMOGRAM APPOINTMENT. From start to finish this was the most positive breast exam I’ve ever experienced. As most of you know we changed to a London doctor last summer - previously I was examined at a very caring but extremely busy, non-fancy imagining centre in Mississauga. Staff at my doctor’s office gave me a list of imaging centres in London – leaving it up to me as to whom to call. From my first contact on the phone, my experience was top notch. I was impressed that the nurse I talked to was able to pull up my records on the Ontario Breast Screening website. She knew who I was and where/when my last x-rays were taken – and my records will arrive this week. In Ontario this testing is so valued that one website covers province wide. My appointment was a week later. Laughing
The entire experience improved more when we walked in the door. This clinic was the first one to open 17 years ago. The waiting room was classy, posh and impressive – much like a 5-star hotel. (Because the parking meters were broken, we also enjoyed free parking – the nurse call the parking lot to be sure we would not get a ticket). When my name was called, I was guided by one of several nurses to a change cubicle & waiting room. In that smaller lounge, everyone wearing a different style of pink gown comfortably waited for her breast exam. I must say I have never had such a thorough breast exam in my life as I had from that nurse – not from my doctor - nor from me. Laughing
After another brief rest, next stop was the imaging room for a very professional (even gentle) set of x-rays. What added to the day is we women shared wonderful warm conversations while waiting our ‘turn’ – seemed like a social club. From the entrance to the reception to the waiting room to the décor, to the entire group of caring staff, it was absolutely my best experience ever of this dreaded exam – this place made it enjoyable. In two weeks a follow-up letter will explain results. There are 120 of these screening centres around Ontario – just for info for those in the London area, my clinic was at 339 Talbot St 1 519 432 0255. I know Cdn medical is not perfect, but a breast exam is available to anyone in Ontario simply for the asking – without seeing a doctor first. Laughing
Most of the week I have been editing my RV TRAVEL TO CANADA E-BOOK so John willingly took care of the errands. Hope this e-book will be ‘live’ and posted on my site and to others too later this week. Laughing
At this point GOLDEN POND RV PARK is doing a great job of cutting and trimming our grass. In most Cdn parks, seasonals cut their own site, however frequently the park has a few lawn mowers available for use – this park doesn’t offer this service. John also prefers to cut the grass his way, on his time. Sooooo we are on the search for a small cheap used electric lawn mower. Anyone in the area know of one please let us know.
Our site finally looks very comfortable since we added grommets to the ground cover we bought in Florida and set up the patio to look like we live here. Laughing
Saturday is LANDS END FLEA MARKET DAY in London and we needed a few things besides a lawn mower, so if this Diary arrives late today that is the reason. Plus it was fun to spend a few hours in one of my favourite places. I love perusing the new and old ‘junk or treasures’ that these places attract. We didn’t buy much ‘stuff’ but we did restock the fresh fruits and veggies – even if we didn’t need all of what we bought. Everything looks so inviting that it is difficult to pass by. Of course we couldn’t leave without tonight’s dinner of ever so tasty cabbage rolls. Laughing
When I complained last week we lost our Exp vu, friends Wilma and Roy from Alberta told us they had a similar situation and an extra LNB from 3iCommunications, my Satellite Dish Supplier, could be added to the INTERNET SATTLEITE DISH. Of course we can always move the Dish out of the way of trees. Since we really do not want to change sites, we have also ordered an LNB. It should be here early this week– I’ll keep you posted as to how it is working. Both Exp Vu and Star Choice LNB’s can be added Laughing
Again I relay that Todd (sales manager and chief tech) and Armand (owner) bend over backwards to accommodate the tech wishes of their customers – no time limit is in force for tech support issues. Fantastic service for a low price from $69.00 per month – Dish is only $1495.00. Of course an automatic high-end roof mount Internet Dish is also available – for a bit higher cost. Now that I log onto Satellite G16, setup is a dream. 3i Communications have changed their name to ‘TECH MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS AND WIRELESS’ – full story at Laughing
As I look out the window, I see a dozen families beside us camped together in their pop-ups and trailers – it reassures us the sociable camping lifestyle is alive and well. In the tenting section there are numerous more groups having fun just by being together. Hope this will be a great beginning to the summer for you too. The name of the game is to simply “Have Fun!!!” Travel safe P&J Cool Cool Cool
Good Sam reported that KEYSTONE RV is recalling 150 model-year 2007 MONTANA fifth-wheel trailers. The tail-light sockets may not maintain contact with the bulb so …
I’m still adding regular entries to the RVING CANADA BLOG for Its fun to find neat interesting things to see in this great country we call home. Stop by.
RVEDUCATION 101has added even more depth to their comprehensive website of books, ebooks, and informative articles. In Mark’s new Blog he shares many short tips (with links to the full article on his RV University site). In the news this week there have been a half dozen RV Fires throughout USA /Canada – Mark’s latest Blog explains all about Fire prevention. Check it out.
Last week I mentioned we are new members of COAST TO COAST (C2C) AND RESORTS PARK INTERNATIONAL (RPI) PLUS (the ‘Plus’ includes a complimentary membership to RPI’s 50% Discount Camping Club called ‘Enjoy America’). These are two of the most popular membership park systems offering deep overnight discounts – there are others! RVers buy into a membership park for a purchase price from a few hundred to many thousands of dollars – plus annual dues. Your packages could range from a ‘3-lifetime’ with usage to pass onto the kids, or a ‘one’ lifetime for your use only. To use the C2C and RPI you also pay a small annual fee to each club. BUT members only pay $8.00 per night ($10.00 Cdn) – stay up to a week, twice per year at each resort.
John and I bought into Shiloh RV Park, Monroe LA a year ago. Park price was low with first year dues at $69.00 – $99.00 in future years. However we can walk away from this plan at any time for a small fee. Send me an email for more details.
Les Doll, Webhost of recently shared this tip in his periodic informative newsletter!
EXTRA SHELF SPACE (from Trailer Life). We have a wardrobe and drawer on each side of our bed – but no nightstand space. Cut a piece of ½” pine shelving several inches wider than the top of the open drawer – lay it across. When the shelf is not required as a nightstand, simply stow it against the wall or at the bottom of the closet. It also works in the kitchen; living room or wherever more counter space is needed. Paint as needed.
1. Add a REMOVABLE CLOTHES BAR to your shower. This extends closet space plus clothes are easily removed when it is shower time. We did this for 8-years.
2. To air-dry clothes inside the RV, place a TENSION-SPRING-BAR across a doorway.
3. We have a washer/dryer on board, daytime we hang in the bedroom and at bedtime we move hangers of T’s and shirts to the FRAMES OF FRONT CUPBOARDS.
4. OR place a triangle FOLDING CLOTHES DRYER in the shower to dry wet bathing suits. Move it to the patio on a sunny day to dry towels, etc. We attached a similar unit to the rear of our coach with bungees when we are stationary.
5. Manufacture a CLOTHES RACKS FOR BACK LADDERS using 1" PVC pipe.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
We hope you are extra kind to your Mother, especially tomorrow, but every other day as well. Our mothers are the most important entity in our lives. The majority of us are who we are because of the care, patience and concern of our Mothers. Smile
According to ‘THE MOTHERS DAY STORY’ that I found on the web; the earliest Mother's Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea, the Mother of the Gods. During the 1600's, England celebrated a day called "Mothering Sunday". Celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent (the 40 day period leading up to Easter) "Mothering Sunday" honored the mothers of England. Smile
During this time many of the England's poor worked as servants for the wealthy. As most jobs were located far from their homes, the servants would live at the houses of their employers. On Mothering Sunday the servants would have the day off and were encouraged to return home and spend the day with their mothers. A special cake, called the mothering cake, was often brought along to provide a festive touch. Read about the Mother Church and how a suggestion about Mothers Day that began in 1872 – By 1911 most states plus Canada, Mexico and many others was celebrating this day on the second Monday in May – much of the world joined in. By 1914 it became a national holiday. For more on this story - Smile
Bright and early Monday we were at BOB’S AUTO DETAIL SHOP in London 519-451-4660. Norm and Bob worked on the LUXOR for two days (15 hours) at their shop and now it shimmers. Price was very reasonable. (See pictures on this week’s on-line diary See forum post above). These two tried 4 different products and several buffers to get to the base of our problem the way they wanted it. Because it has to be done outside we had to have perfect days – Monday and Tuesday were that type of days. Bob Cooks Auto and Detailing do guarantee their work so if we have any problems we are encouraged to return. RVers in the London Area who want detailing should give them a call. Although they do not make house calls, we did park overnight in the shop parking lot. Bob also sold us a bottle of wax that contains 40% Teflon by 3M for a twice a year follow-up wax. This professional product makes our coach glisten – but it is not sold in stores. The LUXOR looks beautiful once again but we’ve put the painting of the bottom off till fall.
When we returned to the park after the DETAILING we had a bit of a power problem that seemed to be our problem and not the park. So we booked at FOREST CITY RV DEALER on Thursday to check it out plus pick up a few parts we had ordered. Good news – our electrical was working well, and our parts were also in. When we came back to the park the power was also working well. Who knows what happened. Smile
This week we have lost the signal to our EXPRESS VU SATELLITE TV because of the trees. We really like the campsite we are in but when we moved this site, the trees were bare. Now they are in full bloom and we have no Sat TV. BUT since next weekend is Canada’s first long weekend of the summer, the official launch of the season, all RV sites in this park and others are full. So is the campsite we hope to move into. Thankfully we are near a big city because our only TV right now is from our Batwing antenna. We are enjoying good programming to say the least but we do not have the choices Sat TV offers. Smile
On Friday John had his medical (mine was last Fri) and we both had a discussion ref our bloodwork. Guess we are going to live for a while longer. Both were positive results. Each week for much of the summer one of us have a medical or eye appointment etc. One of the main reasons we prefer to be in Ontario for much of the summer. The older we get it seems the more med tests we need.
Hopefully we will soon have time to ‘play’ a bit. FYI, I am well into an update of my RV Travel to Canada 2007 e-book. Watch for it
As many of you know for the past several weeks I have been writing an RVING CANADA BLOG for RV I am having so much fun finding neat interesting things to see in this great country of Canada. Chuck has close to two-dozen Bloggers who are each ‘experts’ in their own right. His weekly newsletter is jam packed with great info because he features entries from a variety of these Blogs. Read my Blog and others at Check out and maybe subscribe his weekly newsletter while you are there Smile
This week the feature story of his newsletter is APRIL 2007 RECALLS including motorhomes, travel trailers and fifth wheels from Keystone, Tiffin, Winnebago, Jayco and others. See if your unit is involved. Smile
Another feature is a way to access a stronger WIFI INTERNET SIGNAL in any campground with an inexpensive antenna from Flying J ($109.00). For much more High Tech concerns take a look at the DIGITAL RVer Blog Smile
Is TIRE SAFETY a mystery? This week that topic is explained on the LOWTECH RVER BLOG. When to change your tires, warning signs of trouble tires and how to read date, are also explained. Smile
I received an email this week from friend Bonnie filled with hypnotic pictures and impressive intuitive sayings. It is too large a file for those on dial-up so I may not pass it on but this phase moved me and it applies to RVers in a big way. “The lucky ones inevitably do not have the ‘Best of the Best’ – they seek simply the Best of what they see on their journey”. Now that summer is here ‘Travel safe’ – As my sister Nancy says, “Do not drive faster than your Guardian angel can fly.” P&J Smile
Dealing with ANTS for those of us in the north is a sign that spring has sprung and the camping season is upon us. In this region the majority of RVers do not usually need deal with the fire-ant variety but all types of these creepy crawlers can still be big pests. Below are several tips to control these annoyances from my popular publication ‘RV Living In The 21st Century’.
You can either buy commercial traps or try some of these home remedies. So far many of these have worked for us.
1. Try lifting your cords off the ground - it helps.
2. Wrap cloths saturated with bug spray around hoses and cords.
3. Coat all outside hoses and electrical cords with a silicone based lubricant – bugs hate the oily feeling. Do not use WD-40 because the petroleum damages rubber.
4. Put an Ex Lax square in a lid with a few drops of water near the entrance points.
5. Sprinkle ant powder or household cleanser around tires, jacks, hoses and cords. This may only work if you do not contend with early morning dew.
6. Use a solution of approximately 1-teaspoon Borax acid powder with 1/4-cup sugar (any kind) and 2 cups hot water. Place in foil ‘cups’ to sit on the counter.
While searching for a solution to control fruit flies our friend Tom found another idea to control ants. Originally he stuffed downy sheets in crevices around his slide and although these are normally recommended to control mice it seemed to stop his ant influx. During a recent search to control fruit flies (I’ll share those tips in another post) in his parrot’s cage he found the following hint that works on fruit flies as well as on ants.
The writer added 10 drops of Lemongrass Essential Oil to 2 ounces of hot water into a clean spray bottle. Shake it well and spray all creepy crawlies. Not only does it work on fruit flies, but it also eliminated spiders, ants, houseflies and more. The writer also sprayed the sidewalk, the doors, windows, and anywhere I see creepy crawlers gathering.
GOOGLE SEARCH ON CELL PHONES - CALL 1-800-GOOG-411 (1-800-466-4411)
This creative item also appeared on the DIGITAL RVER BLOG from 11 April. It is still in the testing stages but this FREE service is very interesting. GOOGLE VOICE LIMITED SEARCH helps you find USA businesses over the phone. Simply CALL ‘1-800-GOOG-411’, give the city and state, then asked for business requested such as ‘Campgrounds’. A recorded voice will list the first 8 campgrounds in the area and offer to connect to them. The park address and phone number was offered, plus the info could be sent as a text message to your cell phone. We tested from a Canadian phone number and the call went through, but as yet it does not connect to Canadian businesses. ____________________________________
COAST TO COAST (C2C) AND RESORTS PARK INTERNATIONAL (RPI) are two of the most popular membership park systems offering deep overnight discounts – there are others. With these systems, RVers buy into a park for a purchase price from a few hundred to many thousands of dollars – plus annual dues. Some park packages sell a ‘3-lifetime’ usage so you can pass it on to your kids. Others are a one lifetime for your use only. To use the C2C and RPI you also pay a small annual fee to each club. BUT members only pay approximately $8.00 per night for a week at up to twice per year.
John and I bought into Shiloh RV Park a year ago but we chose to delay start date of our membership until April 2007. Our first year dues were $69.00 – they will rise to $99.00 in future years. However we can walk away from this plan at any time for a small fee. Initially the costs for park membership and purchase plus annual dues cost us approx $550.00 Cdn but during future years, the annual dues for Shiloh, C2C and RPI will total approximately $250.00.
This week we received an added plus to our acquisition. Since our membership is ‘RPI Plus’ it includes a complimentary membership in RPI’s 50% Discount Camping Club called ‘Enjoy America’. For more details about our C2C/RPI purchase, feel free to send me an email and I will forward more details.
This is another very popular 50% discount club. There are several others that we use but for more info on Passport America’s complex system, go to or call 1-228-452-9972 or 800-283-7183. Be sure to provide our name Peggi and John McDonald and our member number of #0123667 as referrals so we get credit. They too pay a good referral to members who refer others.
With all our running around this week, I had to connect using my cell phone for several days. It did worked and although I use ExpressLink (by Ositech) to speed up surfing, the cell is so slow. I simply love the simplicity of my Internet Satellite Dish (now and being on line 24/7 is nothing short of a dream. I no longer must search for a WiFi connection or make sure I receive a site within range for a good signal. Wondering if it will operate at peak performance and more.
Although our roof mount TV Dish is not working because the trees have leaves on them, my Tri-pod Sat DISH wonder can be moved everywhere – so trees are rarely a problem. The best part is my supplier, 3i Communications, provide tech service 2nd to none with no time limit for assistance. If you have a problem, Todd (chief tech) and Armand (owner) bend over backwards to accommodate. Service for all of this begins at $69.00 per month and DISH is only $1495.00. Of course an automatic high-end roof mount Internet Dish is also available – for a bit higher cost. Several months ago, 3i Communications switched my satellite to G16 – since then set up has been a absolute dream within a very few minutes. For more details send me an email or contact 3i Comm from my story at
According to ‘THE MOTHERS DAY STORY’ that I found on the web; the earliest Mother's Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea, the Mother of the Gods. During the 1600's, England celebrated a day called "Mothering Sunday". Celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent (the 40 day period leading up to Easter) "Mothering Sunday" honored the mothers of England. Smile
During this time many of the England's poor worked as servants for the wealthy. As most jobs were located far from their homes, the servants would live at the houses of their employers. On Mothering Sunday the servants would have the day off and were encouraged to return home and spend the day with their mothers. A special cake, called the mothering cake, was often brought along to provide a festive touch. Read about the Mother Church and how a suggestion about Mothers Day that began in 1872 – By 1911 most states plus Canada, Mexico and many others was celebrating this day on the second Monday in May – much of the world joined in. By 1914 it became a national holiday. For more on this story - Smile
Bright and early Monday we were at BOB’S AUTO DETAIL SHOP in London 519-451-4660. Norm and Bob worked on the LUXOR for two days (15 hours) at their shop and now it shimmers. Price was very reasonable. (See pictures on this week’s on-line diary See forum post above). These two tried 4 different products and several buffers to get to the base of our problem the way they wanted it. Because it has to be done outside we had to have perfect days – Monday and Tuesday were that type of days. Bob Cooks Auto and Detailing do guarantee their work so if we have any problems we are encouraged to return. RVers in the London Area who want detailing should give them a call. Although they do not make house calls, we did park overnight in the shop parking lot. Bob also sold us a bottle of wax that contains 40% Teflon by 3M for a twice a year follow-up wax. This professional product makes our coach glisten – but it is not sold in stores. The LUXOR looks beautiful once again but we’ve put the painting of the bottom off till fall.
When we returned to the park after the DETAILING we had a bit of a power problem that seemed to be our problem and not the park. So we booked at FOREST CITY RV DEALER on Thursday to check it out plus pick up a few parts we had ordered. Good news – our electrical was working well, and our parts were also in. When we came back to the park the power was also working well. Who knows what happened. Smile
This week we have lost the signal to our EXPRESS VU SATELLITE TV because of the trees. We really like the campsite we are in but when we moved this site, the trees were bare. Now they are in full bloom and we have no Sat TV. BUT since next weekend is Canada’s first long weekend of the summer, the official launch of the season, all RV sites in this park and others are full. So is the campsite we hope to move into. Thankfully we are near a big city because our only TV right now is from our Batwing antenna. We are enjoying good programming to say the least but we do not have the choices Sat TV offers. Smile
On Friday John had his medical (mine was last Fri) and we both had a discussion ref our bloodwork. Guess we are going to live for a while longer. Both were positive results. Each week for much of the summer one of us have a medical or eye appointment etc. One of the main reasons we prefer to be in Ontario for much of the summer. The older we get it seems the more med tests we need.
Hopefully we will soon have time to ‘play’ a bit. FYI, I am well into an update of my RV Travel to Canada 2007 e-book. Watch for it
As many of you know for the past several weeks I have been writing an RVING CANADA BLOG for RV I am having so much fun finding neat interesting things to see in this great country of Canada. Chuck has close to two-dozen Bloggers who are each ‘experts’ in their own right. His weekly newsletter is jam packed with great info because he features entries from a variety of these Blogs. Read my Blog and others at Check out and maybe subscribe his weekly newsletter while you are there Smile
This week the feature story of his newsletter is APRIL 2007 RECALLS including motorhomes, travel trailers and fifth wheels from Keystone, Tiffin, Winnebago, Jayco and others. See if your unit is involved. Smile
Another feature is a way to access a stronger WIFI INTERNET SIGNAL in any campground with an inexpensive antenna from Flying J ($109.00). For much more High Tech concerns take a look at the DIGITAL RVer Blog Smile
Is TIRE SAFETY a mystery? This week that topic is explained on the LOWTECH RVER BLOG. When to change your tires, warning signs of trouble tires and how to read date, are also explained. Smile
I received an email this week from friend Bonnie filled with hypnotic pictures and impressive intuitive sayings. It is too large a file for those on dial-up so I may not pass it on but this phase moved me and it applies to RVers in a big way. “The lucky ones inevitably do not have the ‘Best of the Best’ – they seek simply the Best of what they see on their journey”. Now that summer is here ‘Travel safe’ – As my sister Nancy says, “Do not drive faster than your Guardian angel can fly.” P&J Smile
Dealing with ANTS for those of us in the north is a sign that spring has sprung and the camping season is upon us. In this region the majority of RVers do not usually need deal with the fire-ant variety but all types of these creepy crawlers can still be big pests. Below are several tips to control these annoyances from my popular publication ‘RV Living In The 21st Century’.
You can either buy commercial traps or try some of these home remedies. So far many of these have worked for us.
1. Try lifting your cords off the ground - it helps.
2. Wrap cloths saturated with bug spray around hoses and cords.
3. Coat all outside hoses and electrical cords with a silicone based lubricant – bugs hate the oily feeling. Do not use WD-40 because the petroleum damages rubber.
4. Put an Ex Lax square in a lid with a few drops of water near the entrance points.
5. Sprinkle ant powder or household cleanser around tires, jacks, hoses and cords. This may only work if you do not contend with early morning dew.
6. Use a solution of approximately 1-teaspoon Borax acid powder with 1/4-cup sugar (any kind) and 2 cups hot water. Place in foil ‘cups’ to sit on the counter.
While searching for a solution to control fruit flies our friend Tom found another idea to control ants. Originally he stuffed downy sheets in crevices around his slide and although these are normally recommended to control mice it seemed to stop his ant influx. During a recent search to control fruit flies (I’ll share those tips in another post) in his parrot’s cage he found the following hint that works on fruit flies as well as on ants.
The writer added 10 drops of Lemongrass Essential Oil to 2 ounces of hot water into a clean spray bottle. Shake it well and spray all creepy crawlies. Not only does it work on fruit flies, but it also eliminated spiders, ants, houseflies and more. The writer also sprayed the sidewalk, the doors, windows, and anywhere I see creepy crawlers gathering.
GOOGLE SEARCH ON CELL PHONES - CALL 1-800-GOOG-411 (1-800-466-4411)
This creative item also appeared on the DIGITAL RVER BLOG from 11 April. It is still in the testing stages but this FREE service is very interesting. GOOGLE VOICE LIMITED SEARCH helps you find USA businesses over the phone. Simply CALL ‘1-800-GOOG-411’, give the city and state, then asked for business requested such as ‘Campgrounds’. A recorded voice will list the first 8 campgrounds in the area and offer to connect to them. The park address and phone number was offered, plus the info could be sent as a text message to your cell phone. We tested from a Canadian phone number and the call went through, but as yet it does not connect to Canadian businesses. ____________________________________
COAST TO COAST (C2C) AND RESORTS PARK INTERNATIONAL (RPI) are two of the most popular membership park systems offering deep overnight discounts – there are others. With these systems, RVers buy into a park for a purchase price from a few hundred to many thousands of dollars – plus annual dues. Some park packages sell a ‘3-lifetime’ usage so you can pass it on to your kids. Others are a one lifetime for your use only. To use the C2C and RPI you also pay a small annual fee to each club. BUT members only pay approximately $8.00 per night for a week at up to twice per year.
John and I bought into Shiloh RV Park a year ago but we chose to delay start date of our membership until April 2007. Our first year dues were $69.00 – they will rise to $99.00 in future years. However we can walk away from this plan at any time for a small fee. Initially the costs for park membership and purchase plus annual dues cost us approx $550.00 Cdn but during future years, the annual dues for Shiloh, C2C and RPI will total approximately $250.00.
This week we received an added plus to our acquisition. Since our membership is ‘RPI Plus’ it includes a complimentary membership in RPI’s 50% Discount Camping Club called ‘Enjoy America’. For more details about our C2C/RPI purchase, feel free to send me an email and I will forward more details.
This is another very popular 50% discount club. There are several others that we use but for more info on Passport America’s complex system, go to or call 1-228-452-9972 or 800-283-7183. Be sure to provide our name Peggi and John McDonald and our member number of #0123667 as referrals so we get credit. They too pay a good referral to members who refer others.
With all our running around this week, I had to connect using my cell phone for several days. It did worked and although I use ExpressLink (by Ositech) to speed up surfing, the cell is so slow. I simply love the simplicity of my Internet Satellite Dish (now and being on line 24/7 is nothing short of a dream. I no longer must search for a WiFi connection or make sure I receive a site within range for a good signal. Wondering if it will operate at peak performance and more.
Although our roof mount TV Dish is not working because the trees have leaves on them, my Tri-pod Sat DISH wonder can be moved everywhere – so trees are rarely a problem. The best part is my supplier, 3i Communications, provide tech service 2nd to none with no time limit for assistance. If you have a problem, Todd (chief tech) and Armand (owner) bend over backwards to accommodate. Service for all of this begins at $69.00 per month and DISH is only $1495.00. Of course an automatic high-end roof mount Internet Dish is also available – for a bit higher cost. Several months ago, 3i Communications switched my satellite to G16 – since then set up has been a absolute dream within a very few minutes. For more details send me an email or contact 3i Comm from my story at
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