Diary published weekly since 2001
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Note from the Newsy portion of this weeks DIARY
A new word has recently surfaced “Staycationers” – this may be the answer for some of us. Many RVers and those living in ‘stick houses’ take regular ‘vacations’ – where you vacate your normal residence. Well ‘Staycationers’ make plans for a great vacation without moving too far away. Those in a ‘stick house’, cut the grass and pre-pay bills etc. before their holiday start. They then enjoy all the touristy things they would do if they were in a new area. RVers take a different slant to things. They drive their RV to a near-by campground to enjoy an outing or for a season and they plan to store it at the park till their next visit. Travelling back and forth by car is much less costly and they can still enjoy this majestic RV lifestyle. RV Parks are also rolling with the changes, many have set-up storage areas to accommodate part time "Staycationers". A simple modification to travel plans may offer a way to enjoy this amazing, contagious life in an RV that we love.
The one thing we all must be cautious of is that bad news sells news copy and so does less than perfect reports on TV. These news blurbs do set the stage for hysteria, but when all the dust settles they may not be a total disaster. Yes gas and fuel costs continue to increase and as a result everything we buy or use is becoming higher. But this is not the first similar crisis many RVers endured over the years and with a little creative thinking most of us will get through it as well. I know that our retiree pension does not have a fuel increase built into it and niether do most of our budgets. Keep thinking positive – life IS cyclical. Misery sometimes loves company, but Europe and England have been dealing with higher costs than we have for years. Although 2008 may not be a great travel year, but life is full of ups and down. If we can find the patience to ride this stormy period out – we will find a way to cope. Take a long look at all your options; there is a way to continue to RVing, enough of the Pep Talk for now!!!
SPACESHIP SIGHTINGS. The NASA SPACSHIP path is still visible at low altitude to see with the naked eye until 6 June. Right now you can see both the re-supply ship and the regular It’ll be over 3 years till we get to see it again. Schedule HERE - Follow links to ‘Country’; then ‘State or Province’; then ‘City – Print timetable of your viewing area. Awesome !!!
*** Lorne shared this tip from the Escapee’s site – I reported the info in mid April, but it bears repeating. FLYING J AND VISA CARDS ARE BUDDIES AGAIN – cards are now accepted at all their pumps and stations. A new tracking system identifies its loyal customers through the RV Real Value Card – it overrides the $75 purchase limit at the pump or buying the gift card etc. Fly J stated there is not need to carry a Loyalty card to work but you may have to make a couple of fuel purchases at a station so the system will remember you. If you change cards, the pump may want you to make 1-2 transactions to establish a positive history. Time to give them another try - they still feature low prices.
John McD shared that in July, ILLINOIS HAS STIFF FINES FOR SPEEDING IN WORK ZONES with speeds posted below 45MPH – thanks to photo radar; two Vans can copy drivers license/plate (tags) of violators – fines begin at $375 for 1st offense ($1000. + 90 day suspension for a 2nd infraction). Demerit points may also be assessed.
Bill F. stated that STEALING GAS/FUEL IS ON THE INCREASE BIG TIME. Be sure to install a lock on your vehicles and if you overnight in ‘free’ places, always ask if the place offers on-site security.
John McD shared this info on his return to Cda, AGENTS AT THE BORDER THREATENED TO CONFISCATE DOG TREATS HE BOUGHT during a short trip across the border. The officer did allow him to keep them, but be warned to either travel without any food/treats etc. or check before you reach the border. Phone numbers constantly change; but as of 27 May 08 these contacts are current CANADA BORDER SERVICES AGENCY - 1-204-983-3500 (Winnipeg, MB) or 1-506-636-5064 (St Johns, NB) - FOOD ALLOWED TO USA? - 1-810-985-6126 or for general info 1-877-CUSTOMS – (USA only–not always answered?)
Tom shared this GENERAL INFO ABOUT RV SAFETY. It is better to Travel Safe than deal with later problems. This site also covers Prevention of Road Rage; Protecting Personal Belongings; Taking an Inventory; RV Windshield Repairs; Temporary RV Repairs; RV Tire Care; RV Awning Care and more are also covered.
Sandi shared THESE FROM A PETROLEUM PROFESSIONAL REF PUMPING GAS He has 31 years experience with a California Petroleum company.
*** Only fill up your vehicle during early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. All storage tanks are buried below ground. The colder it is, the more dense the gas – warm gas expands. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of all gas/fuel products play an important role.
*** A 1-degree rise in temperature is a big deal in his business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.
*** While filling, don’t squeeze nozzle trigger to fast mode. In low speed, you minimize vapors created during pumping - all hoses have a vapor return. Fast pump turns some liquid to a vapor that’s sucked back into the underground storage tank. Less gas for per/$.
*** Only fill up when gas tank is HALF FULL. The more gas in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. Gasoline evaporates faster than you can imagine. Gasoline storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the gas and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation. Unlike service stations – where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated so that every gallon is actually the exact amount.
*** Last Tip – if there is a truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy gas, DO NOT fill up--most likely the gasoline is being stirred up during the storage tank fill. Dirt normally settles on the bottom. Hope helps getting most value for your money.
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