Read this entire fully loaded edition of P&J's Weekly Diary on line HERE
TIPS AND PROMOS Together this week
**** More info than a TIP - Our BORDER CROSSING last Monday was our SLOWEST ever. We usually cross at Sarnia/Port Huron but this time we were on the Bridge for 20 minutes and over an hour waiting to get through the gate. We did not realize the agents might have been on an Orange Alert because it was the day following July 4th weekend. At any rate when we got to the checkpoint, the Agent studied our passports in the greatest of detail beside his computer. He only asked us 3 Q – 1) Where are we from? 2) How many on board? 3) Where are we going? He couldn’t care less if we had food on board (of course we got rid of everything) or if we had the dog’s papers or anything else. Although there were 7-gates open on one side and 6 on the other, we sat at his gate a good 5 minutes. They even had extra staff along the bridge directing drivers into one lane or another. When he finished at his computer he gave us our PP’s back and said “Have a Good Day!’ I have relayed for a long time that we RVers can no longer hide, but after last Monday morning I am convinced that every detail of our last 75+ crossings were on the screen in front of him.
**** MAINTENANCE HICK-UPS keeps this lifestyle interesting. While checking into the park in a small community of Utica IL on Tuesday John discovered we had completely lost the pull rod/handle to the gray tank and the plastic handle on the black rod disintegrated when he touched it. No RV service facility was in the vicinity – and without parts we couldn’t dump. However all was not lost because a Wal*Mart Automotive Tech sent us to Midway Truck Parts at the next exit – they sell trailers, but mainly the combo style for farm animals – IE horses/camping etc. Guess what? Even though their RV Section was limited, they had the parts we required. Soooo never hesitate to search in unlikely places for things you may need.
**** But our MAINTENANCE EXCITEMENT was not over as yet, mainly because around suppertime on Wed – no water would come out of any hot tap. Guess we have another check valve problem – our valve seems to go every 4- 5-years even when quality ones are installed. That evening I phoned our friend Les Doll, a working RV Tech and Webhost of the progressive– and by our symptoms we need a new check valve. Oh well we’ve lots of water and a microwave/stove to heat water to wash dishes. All the places we go to have showers – so with our busy schedule we’ll cope till Coach-Care appoint on 21st. Not much more than a minor clitch in day-to-day living. At FMCA we are camped for a week without hook-ups anyway – life still goes on with or without hot water on board.
SPAM POSTS continue to plaque my inbox and I am sure yours too. Just tonight I got the email telling me I had a POST CARD from a family member. This is a VIRUS – do NOT click on anything in the email. Delete it immediately!!! I also receive numerous email to ‘Undisclosed Residents’ or ‘TO’. Or ‘even to a wrong email address’ that supposedly come from Pay Pal accounts or my Bank etc. – PLUS many offer me millions of $$$$ if I answer. Delete ALL – they are SPAM and NEVER click on a link or open these messages. THEY ARE ALL BAD!!!
This Tip from last week if in doubt… One test is to HOOVER OVER a link and look in the TaskBar at the bottom of your computer. If the Taskbar website URL that shows up is different than the one in the email LINK, you know you have a SPAM email.
Bill shared this HARMFUL VIRUS info. A message with a subject line "US Army crossed Iran's borders" is also a Virus - do NOT click on the URL. He removed most of the link so no one could accidentally click on it, but it started with http://newsworldnow…’.
After the ‘kids’ got into my purse last week and tackled my camera, Carol our breeder, sent this WARNING ABOUT XYLITOL (USED IN SUGAR FREE GUM, ETC). It has been checked out on and it is true – entire story…
Many women carry gum in their purses and other dangerous things and that can be deadly to animals. The dog in her story did live but the weekend of touch and go Vet Treatment in consult with Poison Control was very COSTLY. The Xylitol causes dogs to secrete insulin so their blood sugar drops very quickly. Liver failure usually follows. According to Snopes raisins and grapes can also be deadly to dogs.
TIPS FOR CAMPFIRE SAFETY – so they don’t become a raging inferno that causes a major fire. Story is in the current RV Travel Newsletter.
*** Keep campfires small – completely extinguish them before leaving camp. The best method is to douse fire with water; stir the ashes; douse again. Ensure that all ashes are cold to the touch.
*** Charcoal should be soaked in water after use.
*** Smokers should light up only in areas cleared of all flammable debris. Cigarette butts should never be thrown from vehicle windows.
This weeks RV Travel Newsletter also relayed that Chuck Woodbury’s mother died this week. Chuck owns Unfortunately 2 days later his Webmaster Zoey Platt’s father died. Our Sympathy goes out to BOTH these friends and talented people. Our heart-felt prayers are on their way from John and I.
During a recent Seminar for Canada’s Explorer RV Club Rally in McGregor, Ontario, I shared Numerous RV Tips from my RV Packing Tips ebook. While researching this presentation I was again acquainted with the Hundreds of tips & cleaning ideas from Mary Findley (aka Mary Moppin's) owner and webhost of GO CLEAN.COM. Read a few of Mary’s fantastic hints HERE… - Follow her banner link for hundreds more RV tips.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ is loaded with valuable information and free articles. Yes I have my books for sale and I promote other items that I feel are worthwhile but much of MY ADVICE AND HOW-TO PAGE Info is FREE. While on this site, why not take a look at many of the other topics I highlight?
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