Diary published weekly since 2001
Read this 'RV Living.net P&J's Weekly Diary' on line HERE
Tom stores his cooking liqueur and wine in a special commercial padded WINE STORAGE container under his sink. No more clanking or brown bags or wine boxes required. Because he also removed all shelves in this area, he now has space to store eight rolls of paper towels beside the wine to keep everything in place. These wine holders should be available in stores such as Sam’s Club or Costco or even Container Store etc.
Two more tips on HOW TO FORWARD EMAIL from Rod – first three tips in 26 July diary…
#4... ALWAYS hit your Forward button from the actual e-mail you are reading. Ever get those e-mails that you have to open 10 times to reach the one page with the information on it? By Forwarding from the actual page you wish someone to view, you eliminate the need for them to open numerous e-mails just to see what you sent. The more often an address appears in and email the more chance you could pick up a virus. (NOTE: This may not work with AOL).
#5... If you receive an email that is a PETITION asking you to add your name plus email address before you forward it to 10 or 15 people or to your entire address book. NOTE: The sent email will collect thousands of names and email addresses. However the info on the completed petition is actually worth considerable dollars to professional Spammers. If you plan to support the petition, why not send a personal letter to the intended recipient. Your position may carry more weight as a personal letter than a laundry list of names and email address. (Think about it, who is supposed to send the petition on? By the way email CANNOT be traced, it just isn't so!)
Each Saturday morning I receive the RV Travel.com newsletter. Chuck Woodbury, editor of this newsletter is in Scotland this week and he is positive he has seen the FUTURE OF RVING. It continues to be a very popular pastime in that country even though gas ranges between $9-10 US per gallon. The Scottish and many other European countries have found a way to continue a lifestyle they love. In time those of us in this continent will learn how to cope as well. Read all about ‘How’ in the entire story Here…
In the same newsletter Chuck also posted this interesting somewhat humorous video from Coachmen comparing RV/GAS PRICES VS. HOTEL/AIR/RESTAURANT TRAVEL Here You just may change your mind as to whether next RV trip is worthwhile, even with high costs.
Another entry by author Bess McBride’s ‘TONGUE AND CHEEK’ BLOG on Keeping Up With the Joneses and the pitfalls of Shopping for a New RV. Funny – worth a Read…
MOVING STORY George Sent By Email… Worth sharing
I hired a plumber to help restore an old farmhouse, and after he finished a rough first day on the job where a flat tire cost him an hour of work; his electric drill quit and his ancient one ton truck refused to start. While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence – he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands.
When opening the door he underwent an amazing transformation. His face was wreathed in a smile, he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss. Afterwards when walking me to my car, we passed the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier. 'Oh, that's my trouble tree,' he replied 'I know I can't help having troubles on the job, but one thing's for sure, those troubles don't belong in the house with my family. So I just hang them up on the tree every night when I come home and ask God to take care of them.
In the morning I pick them up again.' 'Funny thing is,' he smiled,' when I come out in the morning to pick 'em up, there aren't nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before'. Travel Safe all. P&J
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Diary published weekly since 2001
Read the complete issue of this Diary on line HERE
Donna shared this Security Tip reference using CREDIT CARDS AT GAS STATIONS. You may already know this--I didn't. People are getting really desperate due to the constantly rising gas prices. After using your credit/debit card to purchase gas at the pump (like most of us do), we take our receipt. However, while a co-worker of Donna’s was checking her statement, she found two unknown – $50 charges added to it. Apparently because she didn’t press the ‘clear’ button on the pump, the employee inside the store was able to use her card to purchase his/her own gas!
To keep this from happening, after you get your receipt, ALWAYS press the 'CLEAR' button or your information will be stored until the next customer inserts their card. The sender stated she had never noticed the ‘Clear’ button but when she got gas the other day – it was there. Look for it.
Bill and Jenn shared a new VIRUS that circulated their office. It is highlighted by email stating “YOUR PACKAGE FROM UPS CAN'T BE DELIVERED – PRINT OUT THE INVOICE”. Unfortunately, one of the attorney’s in her office opened it and it is eating up her computer. Story at Snopes.com explains it all …
SCAMS AND PHISHING EMAILS are abundant these days. This valuable video at Geeks on Tour explains how to avoid them. In their newsletter they highlighted a game called ANTI-PHISHING PHIL Play it and learn how to spot scam websites HERE Simply by hovering over the link (with your mouse – but DO NOT click the link).
NOTE: If your system is slow then allow the video to load first and then replay it. The Geeksontour spotlight video is highlighted in their regular newsletter and it is always free. Members have access to all (over 100) their videos at an introductory price of $29 for one year. As of 01 Sep 08, it increases to $39. Details Here
Last tip is from Bill. His 4-year old MH needed new WIPER BLADES. They used a 28” Tru-vision model with a center-mounting hole – a screw and nylock nut attach them. No local dealers or Camping World ($36. each) or the local Workhorse shop ($54. each) had them in stock. Apparently Tru-vision recommends they be replaced 3 times per year – (I’m not sure why…or who changes wipers that often). Tru-vision did not return Bill’s several emails.
He found a brand at Wal*Mart by Anco – with a minor modification of drilling out the rivet and increasing the hole size to 3/16” they are easily installed using the original hardware – best part is they were only $6.00 each – total $12. – sure beats the original quote of $108 per pair.
Does UNDERSTANDING your computer DRIVE you Crazy? Newbie Club has the answers! Sign up for their FREE INFORMATIVE weekly Newsletter – OR to become a member with access to many No cost How-to tutorials go HERE
NEWSLETTER HIGHLIGHT this week was “How to download”. SAVE the file to your computer's hard drive (C) – not to a DVD etc. You can always move it later. To see a quick tutorial on downloading... go HERE… See a much more detailed explanation HERE… To access the full site please use link in above para – rvliving.net is an affiliate.
These tips FOR A SAFE RV TRIP are featured in this weeks RV TRAVEL.COM NEWSLETTER Have a read - they are a valuable lesson for Newbies as well as a comprehensive review for experienced drivers.
***RVing is fun for the whole family, but for the driver it presents more challenges than driving a car. Whether you're a new RVer about to make your first outing or a long-time RVer, take a few moments to review the safe-driving tips in this article HERE.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Pleasant Summer Time - Tips & Promos Combined
Diary published weekly since 2001
Read the FULL Newsy Diary on-line HERE
We have recently discovered three outstanding CLEANING PRODUCTS…
***#1 The first is ADVANTAGE from Go Clean.com. This product was specially designed for Mary Findley’s (a.k.a. Mary Moppin’s) site. John has been using Advantage to polish the upper portion of the LUXOR and it once again sparkles. He added a second coat for outstanding results. Mary wrote a great article of tips for cleaning RVers HERE. Click on the ‘Go Clean’ banner and then onto ‘RV’ for an abundance of more cleaning tips. Mary does offer items for sale at economical prices, but she also has a lot of very valuable No-Cost info on her website. John highly recommends ADVANTAGE – he applied it with the special baby diaper cleaning clothes from Mary as well.
***#2 SPRAY NINE…During our house cleaning we found a sample spray bottle of Spray Nine. This Item is available in many stores but as we found out it is an outstanding cleaning product for many surfaces. Our oak stained kitchen cupboards looked badly marked from the oil on our hands due to use. We cleaned the doors with Spray Nine and all the ‘icky’ residue came off. The brass handles also came up to a shimmering finish. In Wal*Mart we bought a big bottle and over this summer we plan to add a clean fresh finish to all our kitchen cupboards (maybe to all cupboards eventually). Again we both highly recommend SPRAY NINE.
***#3 Last winter we discovered AWESOME – available in the USA $$$ Stores. It usually comes in a spray bottle – but it can be diluted and occasionally you may find it in a refill size container as well. Sometimes you may find Totally Awesome Orange or Totally Awesome for Pet accidents too. It will CLEAN most hard surfaces although you may need to add an extra application of a wax to make it shimmer. Without exaggerating – it is Totally AWESOME.
INTERESTING POINT - John Goggled ‘Oil Imports to the USA’ after we watched a recent speech by Barack Obama - we were both surprised to discover that the USA imports more oil from Cda than anywhere else. Read the full story HERE....
In this week's RV Travel.com newsletter – two articles of interest are worth reading…
***#1 BE AWARE OF HOW TO NOT START A WILDFIRE – While lightning starts many fires, RVers are responsible for others – not always by careless handling of campfires. Read how the improper use of a Generator can start a wildfire.
*** #2 MANY RVers know how to read the date on their tires to be sure you are buying NEW tires and not some OLD ones that look new – Old tires are prone to losing their tread – some stores sell outdated ones. In several cases, the life of well cared for RV Tires have been extended beyond the previous 4-5 years to maybe in the 7-year range – that is according to a story I recently received from Michelin written for Freightliner Chassis Owners Club chapter members. But it remains most important to watch for any sign of cracking and especially. ‘Watch this video for more info’.
In a recent Good Sam Members Newsletter the editors shared how to ACCESS AND RESERVE YOUR FAVORITE CAMPGROUND 24/7 – Booking your next RV getaway is now just a click away. At TRAILER LIFE DIRECTORY Online Reservations, you can access your favorite campground and make reservations 24/7 from hundreds of campgrounds and RV parks all across the United States.
An Article in this month FMCA’S Member Newsletter discusses Full Timing, Banking Tips and available Day-to Day Lifestyle Discounts by Janet Groane author of ‘Living Aboard your RV Third edition’ is extremely informative. Definitely worth a read.
In the July RV Education 101.com Newsletter, Mark and Dawn announce they have LAUNCHED A NEW DVD – ‘DRIVE YOUR MOTORHOME LIKE A PRO’. It will quickly become your complete video guide to professional driving techniques for everyone from beginners to experienced drivers. Mark converts commercial driving training techniques into layman's terms, plus it explains basic rules to apply to any vehicle you might drive.
Buy the BOOK and the DVD as a SET so you will really learn how to ‘DRIVE LIKE A PRO’! If you just can't wait, an INSTANT download version of this comprehensive video is available HERE...
Scroll down on the main page for BOOK info and the link to their informative NEWSLETTER and to RV VIDEO DOWNLOADS to see the INSTANT version.
One more informative Website worth reading is by Norm and Linda Payne – These two love to do a LOT of explorations in their travels. This summer they toured the CANADIAN ROCKIES AND MUCH OF ALBERTA, BC, THE TERRITORIES and now they are into ALASKA. Norm regularly adds numerous colourful short stories to their website each month. All updates can be accessed from their home page.
Travel safe all. Peggi and John
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Happy Long Weekend Canada
Diary published weekly since 2001
Read this weeks FULL Diary on line HERE
Part of John’s Job Jar this week was changing the RV WATER HEATER 4 ½” ANODE ROD by Camco in our ‘hot water tank’. This job should be done every 6 months, but sometimes ours lasts a bit longer. New RODS are available from most RV parts store. Full install details are on each package. The Anode Rod preserves the life of the tank by corroding itself instead of the tank. A new Rod is ½” in diameter and the one John removed from our tank looked like a pencil. Please change yours soon. If you don’t, over time water will corrode a metal tank.
In this week's RVTravel.com Newsletter, a Blog by Jim Twambly discussed SANITIZING THE FRESH WATER TANK. Read the whole story HERE
On Jim’s advice from SURFlo Reps I have printed a reduced version of what should be done every 6-months if fulltiming and always before extended storage. If you can access the water pump – we can’t – all filters should be removed and the water pump screen cleaned.
Part of Jim’s article includes this procedure for sanitizing - important…
- Multiply gallons of tank capacity by 0.13 (liters of tank capacity by 1.0); the result is the ounces (milliliters) of bleach needed to sanitize the tank.
- Mix into solution the proper amount of bleach within a container of water.
- Disconnect from city water and pour the solution into the fresh water tank (using a funnel with a flexible hose attached) and fill the tank with potable water. Note: wear old clothes as bleach has a tendency to ruin new clothing.
- Open all faucets (hot and cold - including the exterior shower) allowing the water to run until the distinct odor of chlorine is detected. Close the faucets and allow the solution to remain in the pipes.
- The standard solution must have four (4) hours of contact time to disinfect completely. Doubling the solution concentration allows for contact time of one (1) hour.
- When the contact time is completed, drain the tank. Refill with potable water and purge the plumbing of all sanitizing solution by opening all faucets until you do not detect the smell of chlorine.
Last week I shared some promos of several Discount Clubs that help member RVers save cash on camping fees. However in this week’s RV Travel.com newsletter another suggestion is to CAMP AT CITY PARKS. I have promoted MUNICIPAL RV PARKS in small towns for years. Many Cdn towns and cities feature these gems with and without hook-ups – but there is no listing that I am aware of. If you see a camping sign while driving through town – why not follow it. According to this RV Travel.com post, these parks are quite common in the Midwest. Most are also quite reasonable – some might actually be NO charge or by donation – possibly you may be asked to even pay on the honour system. Why not set up camp and walk to town for a coffee. Other ways to cut camping costs are featured at Free Campground.com This website is driven by members who share their good and bad experiences to help others.
In a recent GOOD SAM CYBERSAM this ALERT was issued… “Attention Winnebago motorhome owners! Certain models built from 2005–2009 are being recalled.” Read full story HERE.
Be the first to know if your vehicle has a safety recall! G. Sam members can REGISTER THEIR RV and household vehicles with SamAlert and be notified via email if there is a notice posted by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA). Details, Click HERE…
On a lighter note, my Internet friend Tom loves to GROW ROSES, but he also loves having CUT ROSES in his MH. He sent me several pictures of his picturesque display bowl noting that he left the small glass marbles from craft shops STILL IN THEIR PLASTIC NETTING. Tom bought his at Michael’s, but I have found them in numerous places. The netting and marbles act like a pin-cushion. They are perfect for inserting short-stemmed roses and small wild flowers. If you are fans of fresh flowers – why not give this trip a try.
This week in my Google RV Alerts there was A REQUEST FOR SEVERAL RV OWNERS TO DRIVE FOUR INDIVIDUAL-WWII VETS TO DC. It’s preferable for residents of Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky who would like to transport veterans to Washington, DC. EXPENSES can be claimed on Annual Taxes and drivers will be treated well in Washington. Read entire story HERE.
This is an EXTREMELY POSITIVE STORY - another from my Google RV Alerts discusses how to find a way to ‘GO WITH THE FLOW’. It can help everyone cope with a downturn in any economy. Times change constantly and finding a way to ‘move on’ is what is most important. With all the negative press lately it is refreshing to read a story such as this. No matter what the downturn in the economy this RV Dealer found a way to stay on top. It is definitely worth a read for everyone…
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Good Maintenance and Safe Trip Home
Diary published weekly since 2001
Read the FULL P&J's Weekly Diary can be read on line at HERE
In this week’s latest RVTravel.com newsletter, Editor Chuck discusses the massive RECALLS OF DOMETIC REFRIGERATORS. Original recall of 2-door fridges was between April 1997 ad May 2003. Now it goes to 2006 on some 2-door models. The updated recall also includes some regular models from 2004 to 2007. Read that story Here - OR CHECK WITH YOUR DEALER NOW. Check your modelHere.
All MH and trailers are part of this huge recall due to possible FIRE HAZARD. FYI Thor Industries and Fleetwood Enterprises - two of the largest U.S. makers of RVs - have reported recalls of on-board Dometic refrigerators in 231,351 motorhomes and travel trailers. Some RVers may have updated their fridge and may not receive the recall notices. Just be informed.
RV RECALLS HAPPEN EVERY MONTH – these are from June list issued by the Feds.
In the same RVTravel.com Newsletter is a listing of Recreational Vehicles RECALLS in June - Some major manufacturers -- Winnebago, Fleetwood, Monaco, Dutchmen, Coachmen and Forest River are involved but there are more – some for Norcold fridges too. See if your RV is in need of a fix Here. The same link provides listings of RV Recalls back to Feb. Worth a periodic look.
Rodney shared these tips he received on how to limit JUNK MAIL AND VIRUS’S – Great advice Rod – wish more users would follow it….. I will send the balance at another time.
Do you wonder WHY YOU GET VIRUSES OR JUNK MAIL? Don’t you hate it?
When you forward e-mail, and leave info left over from those who received the message before you -- namely lists of e-mail addresses & names - as the messages get forwarded, the list of these addresses builds, and builds, and builds – before long some someone receives a virus. They SEND that virus to every email address that has come across their computer. PLUS all these addresses are collected and sold to those who send junk mail. Senders hope you will follow a link in their junk email so they can accumulate pennies a hit.
HOW TO STOP IT? (NOTE with AOL you may??? have to cut and paste the content you want to share from the original email to a new blank email. Try not to forward what you get – users must open many email to read it).
*** When you forward an e-mail, DELETE all addresses that appear in the body of the message before the joke etc. Simply HIGHLIGHT AND DELETE them or backspace to remove them. It only takes a second. CLICK THE 'FORWARD' BUTTON FIRST and then you have full editing capabilities anywhere in the message. If you don't hit the forward button first you can’t edit.
*** Whenever you send an e-mail to more than one person, it is preferred you do NOT use the "To:" or "Cc:" fields to add e-mail addresses. By using the BCC: (blind carbon copy) field the email addresses are hidden. This way those you send to will only see their own e-mail address.
*** If you don't see your "BCC:" option in your email click on where it says TO: and a form appears where you can type an address in the BCC section OR highlight an address that appears and choose click on the BCC section - it's that easy. When you send to BCC: your message will automatically say 'Undisclosed Recipients' in the 'TO:' field of the people who receive it. You can also add your name in the TO Field. This way ALL those addresses are not shared with every Tom, Dick or Harry on the net someplace.
*** Last step is to REMOVE the 'FW:' in the subject line OR re-name it fix spelling and send.
We are all living in a world where everything costs more. It makes sense to belong to one or more 50% off Discount Camping Clubs. Membership costs approx $40. per year and if you stay more than 4-nights you begin saving 50% off the price of the campground. Sometimes the parks have blackout dates during busy times, but there is enough choice to save overnight rates. We do not come home with anymore cash in our pockets, it just means we can do more with the cash on hand such as going out to lunch etc. Added plus - If you refer others to join, you also receive a referral fee from $5-$10. If you join through the links below – RVLiving.net gets the bonus. To check them out, click on the link and search if the parks are where you want to stop.
**** PASSPORT AMERICA - the biggest & oldest but there are other choices – Take a Look…
**** HAPPY CAMPER has almost as many as Passport – their parks are on-line & on a CD. They also have a forum and RV Scrapbook (similar to My Space for RVers) plus one added plus – If you go into Freetrip.com to plan your route and you click on the CG Icon all Happy Camper parks en route will appear.
**** RECREATION USA have two clubs. Members of one automatically receive a complimentary membership to the other. One is $10.00 p/night with no blackout dates - their new club is 25% Discount at Big Rig Parks.
**** Last is MEMBERSHIP CAMPING – You can pay many thousands to subscribe OR do like John an I did – buy in for a few hundred. We still camp at a variety of parks for $10. per night. Send me an email if you want more details
NOTE: All parks may add a small fee to their site fee for extras such as cable or WiFi etc. Even with these extras they are still a bargain way to stretch $$$. DEFINITELY WORTH CHECKING.