Diary published weekly since 2001
Read this weeks FULL Diary on line HERE
Part of John’s Job Jar this week was changing the RV WATER HEATER 4 ½” ANODE ROD by Camco in our ‘hot water tank’. This job should be done every 6 months, but sometimes ours lasts a bit longer. New RODS are available from most RV parts store. Full install details are on each package. The Anode Rod preserves the life of the tank by corroding itself instead of the tank. A new Rod is ½” in diameter and the one John removed from our tank looked like a pencil. Please change yours soon. If you don’t, over time water will corrode a metal tank.
In this week's RVTravel.com Newsletter, a Blog by Jim Twambly discussed SANITIZING THE FRESH WATER TANK. Read the whole story HERE
On Jim’s advice from SURFlo Reps I have printed a reduced version of what should be done every 6-months if fulltiming and always before extended storage. If you can access the water pump – we can’t – all filters should be removed and the water pump screen cleaned.
Part of Jim’s article includes this procedure for sanitizing - important…
- Multiply gallons of tank capacity by 0.13 (liters of tank capacity by 1.0); the result is the ounces (milliliters) of bleach needed to sanitize the tank.
- Mix into solution the proper amount of bleach within a container of water.
- Disconnect from city water and pour the solution into the fresh water tank (using a funnel with a flexible hose attached) and fill the tank with potable water. Note: wear old clothes as bleach has a tendency to ruin new clothing.
- Open all faucets (hot and cold - including the exterior shower) allowing the water to run until the distinct odor of chlorine is detected. Close the faucets and allow the solution to remain in the pipes.
- The standard solution must have four (4) hours of contact time to disinfect completely. Doubling the solution concentration allows for contact time of one (1) hour.
- When the contact time is completed, drain the tank. Refill with potable water and purge the plumbing of all sanitizing solution by opening all faucets until you do not detect the smell of chlorine.
Last week I shared some promos of several Discount Clubs that help member RVers save cash on camping fees. However in this week’s RV Travel.com newsletter another suggestion is to CAMP AT CITY PARKS. I have promoted MUNICIPAL RV PARKS in small towns for years. Many Cdn towns and cities feature these gems with and without hook-ups – but there is no listing that I am aware of. If you see a camping sign while driving through town – why not follow it. According to this RV Travel.com post, these parks are quite common in the Midwest. Most are also quite reasonable – some might actually be NO charge or by donation – possibly you may be asked to even pay on the honour system. Why not set up camp and walk to town for a coffee. Other ways to cut camping costs are featured at Free Campground.com This website is driven by members who share their good and bad experiences to help others.
In a recent GOOD SAM CYBERSAM this ALERT was issued… “Attention Winnebago motorhome owners! Certain models built from 2005–2009 are being recalled.” Read full story HERE.
Be the first to know if your vehicle has a safety recall! G. Sam members can REGISTER THEIR RV and household vehicles with SamAlert and be notified via email if there is a notice posted by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA). Details, Click HERE…
On a lighter note, my Internet friend Tom loves to GROW ROSES, but he also loves having CUT ROSES in his MH. He sent me several pictures of his picturesque display bowl noting that he left the small glass marbles from craft shops STILL IN THEIR PLASTIC NETTING. Tom bought his at Michael’s, but I have found them in numerous places. The netting and marbles act like a pin-cushion. They are perfect for inserting short-stemmed roses and small wild flowers. If you are fans of fresh flowers – why not give this trip a try.
This week in my Google RV Alerts there was A REQUEST FOR SEVERAL RV OWNERS TO DRIVE FOUR INDIVIDUAL-WWII VETS TO DC. It’s preferable for residents of Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky who would like to transport veterans to Washington, DC. EXPENSES can be claimed on Annual Taxes and drivers will be treated well in Washington. Read entire story HERE.
This is an EXTREMELY POSITIVE STORY - another from my Google RV Alerts discusses how to find a way to ‘GO WITH THE FLOW’. It can help everyone cope with a downturn in any economy. Times change constantly and finding a way to ‘move on’ is what is most important. With all the negative press lately it is refreshing to read a story such as this. No matter what the downturn in the economy this RV Dealer found a way to stay on top. It is definitely worth a read for everyone…
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